
2024年1月13日—Yubikeyscanworkinanumberofmodes.(They'relikeaplatformwithdifferentmodulesthatgetpermanentlyloadedintothekey,butcanchange ...,YoucanuseahardwaresecuritykeyforSingle-FactorAuthentication(SFA)orasthesecondstepof2-factorauthentication(2FA)whensigningintoDSM.,2021年7月4日—Synology知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文...

YubiKey on Synology

2024年1月13日 — Yubikeys can work in a number of modes. (They're like a platform with different modules that get permanently loaded into the key, but can change ...

Hardware Security Key | DSM

You can use a hardware security key for Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) or as the second step of 2-factor authentication (2FA) when signing in to DSM.

Secure SignIn 服務支援哪些USB 安全金鑰?

2021年7月4日 — Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。

YubiKey Passwordless Login for Synology Devices

2022年5月20日 — Your key is now registered and should work to sign you in to DSM both in a passwordless flow, as well as one where the key is used for second- ...

Synology and Yubikey

2023年7月14日 — I have both of my synologys set up with my yubikey and both work as expected. I'm only ever asked for yubikey authentication when accessing my ...

Can I use Yubikey as a 2FA to secure my Synology NAS ...

2022年3月17日 — Hi All, I am trying to determine if a Yubikey could be used as an alternative the app for 2FA. Based on the Synology website: Which USB security ...


觀看說明影片. 了解Synology NAS 如何幫您簡化登入體驗,同時確保最高安全性. 無密碼登入. 步驟1 連線至Synology DSM,並輸入您的使用者名稱; 步驟2 點一下傳送推播至 ...